- Determinant Factors of the Table Tennis Game – Measurement and Simulation of Ball-Flying Curves
Roland Seydel
- Ball/Racket Impact and Computer Aided Design of Rackets Yoshihiko Kawazoe
- Plasma Testosterone Levels in Freshman in Collegiate Table Tennis Team
Shigeo Kitahara, Hiroaki Tanaka, Eri Imamura, Miyoko Yamauchi, Mamoru Tanaka, Katsuaki Yamamoto, Munchiro Shindo
- ”Yellow of White?” A Preliminary Investigation into the Effects of Ball Colours on the Players Speed of Response in International Table Tennis
David J.Rogers, Tony Memorris, A. Morris
- A Preliminary Investigation into the Validy of Shadowing as a Response for Table Tennis Cue Utilisation Experimentation
Tim Holder
- Is the Sub-maximal Treadmill Test an Accurate Predictor of Oxygen Uptake in Table Tennis?
Jeremmy D. Elwood
- Psychological Preparation of the English Table Tennis Squads; A Specific Application of Psychological Techniques
Ian W. Maynard, Tim Holder
- The Effect of Results on Table Tennis Games on Athletic Motivaton
Yoji Yoshizawa, Masashi Suzuki, Naoki Yonekawa, Yoshinori Okazawa, Kiyoshi Tsuruhara, Yuji Yamamoto
- A Mental Training System for Japanese Table Tennis Players
Masashi Suzuki, Yoshinori Okazawa, Naoki Yonekawa, Yoji Yoshizawa, Kiyoshi Tsuruhara, Yuji Yamamoto
- The Effect of Table Tennis Practice on Mental Ability Evaluated by Kana-Pick-Out Test
Masashichi M.Kawano, Koichi Mimura, Mitsuo Kaneko
- The Evolution of Physical Performance in Past and Future Functional-Anatomical and Sports-Medical Points of View
Kurt Tittle
- Methods for Obtaining Dynamic Data during Table Tennis Performance
Ziad Darwish M.Al-Kurdi
- Experimental Research in Table Tennis Spin
Huan Qun Wu, Zhifeng Qin, Shaofa Xu, Enting Xi
- Game Analysis of Table Tennis in Top Japanese Players of Different Playing Styles
Nobuo Yuza, Kiyoshi Sasaoka, Nobuyuki Nishioka, Yasuhiro Matsui, Noriko Yamanaka, Ichiro Ogimura, Norio Takashima, Mitsumasa Miyashita
- Chinese Traditional Medical therapy in Common Chronic Upper Limb Strain of Table Tennis Players
Guan Yan
- Functional Evaluation for Table tennis Player
Guan Yan
- Research on Technical Diagnosis Method for Table Tennis Players
Wu Huan Qun, Li Zhen Biao
- The Problem of Physical Training Confronting Table Tennis Players in Japan
Shuichi Hiruta, Midori Shimaoka, Yukari Yoshimura, Junichi Kasai, Yukio Shibata, Nobuo Yuza
- Injuries and Systemic Disorders of Table Tennis Players: Results of a Survey
Yukihisa Shida, Seiko Shida, Shiro Suzuki, Hiromi Murakami, Nobuo Yuza
- The Relationship between Current Sport Participation and Future Sport Participation in the Rural Communities of Japan
Osamu Ebihara, Hitoshi Omichi
- Hypnosis in Sports
Michael J.Scott
- Optimization of the Training Process in order to Maintain Good Health and to Enchance Sporting Performance of Women Athletes
Yurij T.Pokholenchuk, Yurij Posevin
- A Proposed Project to Activate the Envolvement of Table Tennis for Everyone (for all) in Jordan
Ismat El Kurdi
- Competitive Activity of the Best Table Tennis Players
Galina V.Barchukova
- The Open Championship and its Role Developing and Popularizing Table Tennis in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Amr Khalid Hafez