07 Mar 2017

Success in the past decade at Olympic Games, World Championships and in particular both Commonwealth Games and Commonwealth Championships, Singapore is one of the most prominent forces in the world of table tennis and one of the most active.

In addition to names that achieve on the global stage; there are numerous initiatives to encourage participation domestically.

by Ian Marshall, ITTF Publications Editor

Now in order that fans and supporters can interact more closely, the social media presence has been enhanced.

Regular content and exciting announcements will be posted on various platforms.

“We invite you to like our facebook page and be among the first to learn of the latest table tennis events and activities. Tag your photos on our Instagram with inspiring table tennis images and special shots of table tennis! Share your photos with us by tagging us or using the hashtag #sgtabletennisassociation Who knows, we may just repost them as a feature!” Singapore Table Tennis Association

Singapore Table Tennis Association: facebook.com/sgtabletennisassociation

Singapore Table Tennis Association: instagram.com/sgtabletennisassociation

Singapore Table Tennis Association: youtube.com/SingaporeTableTennisAssociation

“We look forward to connecting with you on our social media platforms”, Singapore Table Tennis Association

General News Singapore TTA