19 Dec 2016

Situated in South East Asia in the Bay of Bengal, the region from which the country takes its name, Bangladesh is seizing the initiative in its attempts to promote the sport of table tennis.

Recently the Bangladesh Table Tennis Federation started a talent hunt programme.

by Ian Marshall, ITTF Publications Editor

Supported by the National Sports Council, from a possible 64 districts, in 2016 table tennis has been introduced in 24 districts.

The goal is to realise 1,000 players in the next five years, from that number the target is to identify the best 20 players for selected coaching sessions.

A most worthy initiative with members of the Bangladesh Table Tennis Federation being motivated by the efforts in the ten years thanks to the various courses organised under the umbrella of the ITTF Development Programme.

Pakistan’s Arif Khan visited in May and April 2007, later in December 2010 and more recently in April 2015.

Also India’s Kamlesh Mehta was present in January 2008, as was Richard McAfee of the United States in December 2013; additionally, one year ago Cameroon’s Sarah Hanffou conducted a Women’s Training Camp.

All have motivated the Bangladesh Table Tennis Federation, who in addition to the support afforded by the national government and the Asian Table Tennis Union, particularly acknowledge Dhanraj Choudhary (Secretary-General of the Asian Table Tennis Union), Tony Yue (General Secretary of the Asian Table Tennis Union) in addition to several officials from the International Table Tennis Federation.

They express their thanks to Adham Sharara (Chair), Glenn Tepper (Deputy Chief Executive Officer) and Raul Calin (Director of Operations and Olympic Games).

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